So idk how I feel about this. We left the kids asleep and are now driving in to the Brigham. I slept well last night, but woke up at exactly 5:55, so I guess I was a little anxious. I don't think I am nervous about the surgery, persay, but more about recovering and the results. What if it doesn't work, which could be the case? I would be devastated. Or what if my recovery is so prolonged that my kids hit all these milestones and have new expirences without me there to see it, but just hear about it? I'm going to miss them more then anything and fear that when they see me again they won't be as excited that u want them to be. I bought them each a new lovie from mommy to hug and hold whenever they miss me and Cam was sad when I gave it to him, but understood. He named him Louigie! He even gave me one of his lovies to take with me, cutie.
So here goes nothing: there is nothing left to do to improve life for me, my kids or my husband. I need to do this, so as awful as it is going to be, I need to see it as a step in the right direction. A step towards relief and a new me. One that can do anything she wants and succede in those things. I have high hopes:)
One last pic of me with a full head of hair. Soon, not so much. But hey, maybe I'll start a weirdo trend :)
I hope all is well, Stacey! Waiting for an update from Mark.