Sunday, January 8, 2012


I'll try and do this every Sunday, then on Friday I'll do my daily pics.  Work for you?  Good, I thought so!  So this weekend was a bit of a cleaning frenzy.  Mainly the playroom.  A once over, for sure, from top to bottom!  We took EVERYTHING out, dusted everything, vacuumed everything, then washed the carpet.  Of course, even with the windows open, the carpet hadn't dried and the Fisher Price tornado had to stay out in the living room and dining room over night and into Sunday.  Ugh, Mark was not happy about this.  So we took Cam to an empty parking lot so he could practice his bike for the first time (which he had gotten for his second birthday, a year ago!!)  So, along with many other really cute pictures, this was the one I choose for my weekly ABC picture: 
Cuteness, right?  So here are some others. There are alot, but he did so good and was so adorable.  My big boy! Oh, and Avery slept in the car through the whole thing!!

A little sunny at this point, but he's trying to get on the bike
 Daddy, helping him along
 Trying out the scooter, that lasted about 5 mins.  Likes the bike more!!
 He got it!!
Needed to know how it works.  May look like me, but all dad in that curious brain of his!!

 Love this one

 "Vroom, vroom!"

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is riding a bike! I remember when mom and dad gave that to him last year it looked soo big! :-( Tell him to stop growing up! ;-)
