Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Training Wheels and Rollarblades

A while back we brought Cam to try out his bike, yet again, and I swear he's either mastered it after one practice trial, or he's grown an inch or two, just enough to reach the pedals.  Oh, and he can steer now!  I don't need to protect my car from getting scratched up cause now he can divert the crash on his own, although he really loves crashing into things.  

This trip was pretty funny.  Mark broke out his Rollerblades, that haven't been used since we were dating senior year in high school!  We use to go down to the Cape Cod Canal with them and had so much fun, but oh my goodness how stupid we must have looked!  Going along was great!  We were so cool (right), but stopping was a whole other story!  Since I was awful at using that back breaking thing, I had two options: fly to the left across the on coming canal traffic (bikers and the like) and roll onto the bumpy grass and hope not to role into a nice happy family picnic or go to the right on the smallest strip of grass that turned right into huge rocks, going down in the rip tide of the canal.  Hmm..I choose the "jay-rolling" and would tumble onto the grass.  It worked and I didn't die.  But it also had me putting those Benny's bought Rollerblades into retirement after like 10 uses.

Soooo, (blabbering, I know) when Mark took his out it was hysterical.  I had only been out of the hospital for a little while, and it took a lot from Mark to convince get me out into the fresh air, but they made me laugh.  And it was exactly what I needed.  See for yourself, how adorably cute and silly my boys and my little girl are!  I would never, ever be me without them, from senior year, until now :)  
Going on his own
 Watching his brother and dad
 Dad, starting to take Avery for a ride
 They are all flying!

 She liked it!
 Going down a little trail (couldn't decide which one to choose, so I put up a bunch)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Point and shoot dump!

Long over do!  I'm only going back a month or two, but here you go!  I should do this more often, but don't expect anything spectacular!  This camera, a Cannon PowerShot, was a pretty good camera when it was new, but after getting some good photos from my DSLR, its just the one that lives in my diaper bag, just in case.  Serves it purpose!!
Swinging at the park

Climbing up a tree at the park
 Trying out his new baseball glove, not to much success, but still fun
 Feeding herself and making a mad mess!

 Tired and loving each other
 Giving hugs.  When Avery hugs, she pats her little hand on your back.  Its the most precious thing ever!

 "Reading" books on the Nook
 My cowboy pirate, in his undies
 Pushing along
 Book before bed, hugging his George that use to be my Grammie's

 Loves the Cameron Chair
 Sleeping during a meal
 Washing his car

Avery with her Papa

You know what would be awesome?

1. If allergies, or what ever has been living in my eyes and nose, making them run for the past 3 weeks, didn't exist!  Seriously, I should have bought stock in Kleenex!  Me, Mark and my kiddos have been so snotty lately that I have to stuff my pockets full of tissues just to be able to go to Target without people staring and thinking, "ugh, what a gross family!"  Well you know what, mean lady, we can't help it!!  It's taken over us!

2.  If the old mill across the street from my house wasn't being turned into apartments causing the longest and loudest construction site EVER!!  Guys, we can't even play in our yard during their work hours, which is like, allll day long.  We seriously thought we were in the middle of a earthquake the other day!  Cam told me, "mom, its just the steam rollers" that was causing my house to shake uncontrollably.  He's smarter then me :)

3. If we had one extra hour everyday that no one talked to you or looked at you so that you could do your own thing for one hour everyday!  I always feel like if I had that hour, everything I needed/wanted to get done would be done.  Sewing, organizing, reading, cooking nice homemade meals and a million other things!  I don't think I'm far behind in everyday life, just not ahead. lol

4. If there were no commercials, like ever. I think you'd all agree on that one :)

5. And if "How I Met Your Mother" wasn't ending after this season?  I think I've seen every re-run about 10 times and they are still soooo great, but they better replace that show with something as equally AWEsome (insert Barney's voice here).  The Bro Code is breaking and we'll never hear Robin Sparkles sing "Sand Castles in the Sand" again.  I'll be sad to see it go :(

Okay, I'm done :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

31!! Eeeek!

A bit late, seeing as my birthday was back on April 4th, but you do what you have to do!  I turned...wait for it...31 years old!  This may have been a bit of a blow to the gut for me this time around.  At what you think would be one of the big ones, 30 wasn't traumatic for me.  I had my little bundle to cuddle, I was a new mom (for the second time) and loving every second of it, and  didn't know I had anything to worry about in my future, unless maybe how I was going to tell my boss I wasn't going back to work or how I was going to spoil my baby with everything girly!  Then things happened, one after the other this past year.  Looking at myself on the big 31, about 2 months out of the hospital, still healing very much day by day, I feel old :(  I feel stupid saying it, because I know, that is NOT an old age!  Its a young age, in most peoples eyes.  Its not the number for me.  Its the bags under my eyes, the little wrinkles forming around my smile, the ugly hair "style" I am dealing with and the less then perfect (among absolutely perfect!) memories from the last year that make me feel old.  My medical stress (not, by any means, my kids: they revive me!) has kicked my but and sucked some of the youth out my being. Either I need to try new things to make me feel and look younger or just get used to the fact, that with years comes aging.  "Get over yourself", I know!  Just a quick pity party for myself.  Suck it up and move on.  

How about to my actual day?  It was a work day for Mark, so he worked, while I played with the Littles.  We had fun, we went out to lunch with my mom and then played outside in the great weather.  When Mark got home (early!!) with a cake and some beautiful tulips (he remembered my favorite!!), we packed up the kids and went to Borderland State park in the next town over.  Cam and Mark played football, Avery and I watched on a blanket, Cam pooped in his travel potty (good thing I remembered it!!) and we took our new to us double jogging stroller out on the trails for a little hike.  We had a blast!  Really, I don't need celebrations anymore, just good family fun, and that's what this was.  Fun, love, nature, laughing and memories are some of the most important stuff that an old lady like me need ;)

Seriously climbing up the slide!
 He gave her a flower!  Pure love for his baby Sissy!
 The birthday girl and her babies
 Trying to play football, until Cam ran to me, "I have to gooooo!!!
 So right there he went! (Blackmail?)
 I think Avery was like, "dude, what are you doing?  Where at a clastle.  No one poops in front of a castle!"

 Spring has sprung!
 Stroller!  Could have used this a loooong time ago!  Thanks Anne!!
Hiking towards the little stone house where part of the movie, "Shutter Island" with Leonardo DeCaprio, was filmed.  Kinda cool, if you've see the movie, you can "see" it there.
 Don't know what he was doing or saying, but he is just the cutest!!