Sunday, June 26, 2011

Was that the weekend??

I swear, I blinked and it was over! It was pretty busy. First off, my oldest little brother (does that make sense to anyone but me?) graduated from college last weekend. He went to Massachusettes Maritime Academy and we went down and saw the commencement and all that goes with a graduation. It was a beutiful day and there is alot of extra fun stuff that was able to keep Cameron's interest during the whole thing, like the USS Kennedy. Its a pretty huge ship and Cam and Mark were lucky enough to get a tour by someone working on the ship at the time. Cam was in love!

Cameron pretending to be PJ

Can you see him?
Proud Parents
All five of us, plus Cameron

Anyway, my mom and I spent the the following week shopping and setting up for his graduation party. It was a ton of fun and alot of family and friends were able to make it! Cam Had a blast with his cousins, well my cousins kids, Summer and Starla. Summer is 5 and Starla is almost 3. They got along so well at the party!! I love seeing him play with other kids! Especially when they play good together! No fighting at all :) And Avery was her happy self, as always. That was Saturday.
The man of honor
Chit chatting on the tractor with Starla
Learning "Ring around the Rosi"

Then on Sunday, my nephew had his 2 year birthday party. Sorry PJ, but this party totally Trumped yours! For a toddler at least! I mean, it had a bouncy house! And the cake had a TRACTOR on it!! For both parties, Mark had to leave early to do some stuff for work. Extra money though! So after all the energy that Cam used up, he was out, without dinner(!) at 6:00 on Sunday for the night! Never has this happened, nor will it ever happenagain, but I was happy to just be able to cuddle my baby girl with no distractions! I didn't get many good pictures of this party, but it just wasn't happening!!

The Birthday Boy, Ryan! (having way more fun then it looks!!)
Kinda looks like he's snowbaording
To cute!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Health Stuff

I was in the hospital for 5 days, a few days ago. I went in for a regular appointment with a new neurologist, Dr. Pennell at The Brigham in Boston. I hadn't met her before and had a few questions. She didn't feel right answering the questions over the phone without meeting me, so she had me come in the next day. I had been having some of my regular "auras" or mini seizures and ended up having one in her office. She sent me straight up to have an EEG, which she didn't like the results of. So she had me admitted. The main reason for this was to monitor my brain, with these ridiculous looking EEG wires attached to my skull (for the full 5 days mind you). They began tweaking my meds to get some full seizures, which didn't take long. While I was in, Mark stayed with me, which was a blessing. He notified the nurses when I was having the seizures, which helped alot. Cameron stayed with my in-laws and Avery with my parents. I was a mess without them!!! They both came into visit me though :)

Pretty, huh? There were 27 and each one left a bruise and bump!
He was a little nervous at first
Cam even brought me flowers! Notice they are in urinals? Classy, I tell ya.

So after all was said and done, I was taken off of one of my meds, the other was increased and a new one was added. They also gave me a third med to take on occasion when nothing was helping, or just to decrease anxiety. After a few days of being home, my doctor called and informed me that she brought my case up to a board of neurologists and neurosurgeons. They were all in agreement, that I am a great candidate for brain surgery that could very well rid me of epilepsy for good. The success rate is 80-85%!! Although nervous, I am ecstatic that something my be able to be done to fix this. My quality of life will be so much better and less worrisome for myself and others! So the tests will be starting this month and if all looks good, the surgery will be sometime in the Fall. I just keep praying that all will go well! To be a mom with this disease is not very fun. To be anyone with this disease is not very fun at all.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just an Avery fix!

Sigh...Isn't she adorable?? I could stare at her all day long!!