Friday, April 20, 2012

31!! Eeeek!

A bit late, seeing as my birthday was back on April 4th, but you do what you have to do!  I turned...wait for it...31 years old!  This may have been a bit of a blow to the gut for me this time around.  At what you think would be one of the big ones, 30 wasn't traumatic for me.  I had my little bundle to cuddle, I was a new mom (for the second time) and loving every second of it, and  didn't know I had anything to worry about in my future, unless maybe how I was going to tell my boss I wasn't going back to work or how I was going to spoil my baby with everything girly!  Then things happened, one after the other this past year.  Looking at myself on the big 31, about 2 months out of the hospital, still healing very much day by day, I feel old :(  I feel stupid saying it, because I know, that is NOT an old age!  Its a young age, in most peoples eyes.  Its not the number for me.  Its the bags under my eyes, the little wrinkles forming around my smile, the ugly hair "style" I am dealing with and the less then perfect (among absolutely perfect!) memories from the last year that make me feel old.  My medical stress (not, by any means, my kids: they revive me!) has kicked my but and sucked some of the youth out my being. Either I need to try new things to make me feel and look younger or just get used to the fact, that with years comes aging.  "Get over yourself", I know!  Just a quick pity party for myself.  Suck it up and move on.  

How about to my actual day?  It was a work day for Mark, so he worked, while I played with the Littles.  We had fun, we went out to lunch with my mom and then played outside in the great weather.  When Mark got home (early!!) with a cake and some beautiful tulips (he remembered my favorite!!), we packed up the kids and went to Borderland State park in the next town over.  Cam and Mark played football, Avery and I watched on a blanket, Cam pooped in his travel potty (good thing I remembered it!!) and we took our new to us double jogging stroller out on the trails for a little hike.  We had a blast!  Really, I don't need celebrations anymore, just good family fun, and that's what this was.  Fun, love, nature, laughing and memories are some of the most important stuff that an old lady like me need ;)

Seriously climbing up the slide!
 He gave her a flower!  Pure love for his baby Sissy!
 The birthday girl and her babies
 Trying to play football, until Cam ran to me, "I have to gooooo!!!
 So right there he went! (Blackmail?)
 I think Avery was like, "dude, what are you doing?  Where at a clastle.  No one poops in front of a castle!"

 Spring has sprung!
 Stroller!  Could have used this a loooong time ago!  Thanks Anne!!
Hiking towards the little stone house where part of the movie, "Shutter Island" with Leonardo DeCaprio, was filmed.  Kinda cool, if you've see the movie, you can "see" it there.
 Don't know what he was doing or saying, but he is just the cutest!!


  1. I know how you feel, Stacey. 29 was harder for me than 30 - maybe b/c I knew that I only had a year left. haha. Glad you are enjoying your double jogger. Our triple has been awesome.

  2. Anne MarieApril 26, 2012

    Hey man, we both survived that horrible year we called "30" On to bigger and better things in 31!!! <3 Yaaayy hope you like the stroller and I am glad to see it is getting good use!
