Sunday, April 15, 2012


To celebrate the AWESOME weather we had in Mass this weekend, we decided to take a trip to the zoo! We went to Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, RI with our best friend family, the K's.  Along with the most perfect weather, we had a great time.  I swear, the big kids looked at like 5 animals, but had a blast running around and hugging each other and just being cute.  Listening to the little kid conversation they have are priceless.  I need to bug one of them some day!  As for the babies, they stayed in their strollers most of the time, but didn't complain.  When they did get out, they were in awe of the animals: pointing, laughing and waving.  So cute.

Cam and Ashlyn were so excited to be able to walk on there own.  Right about when they turned the curve, Ashlyn toppled over and scraped up her knee.  Cam did about 20 mins later (as he was running out of the bathroom yelling, "mommy I did pee AND poop!")
 Avery has these adorable sunglasses that she kept on so well, but when we were packing up to leave, they were gone!  I was so sad!  I mean, they were from the dollar aisle at Target! See how cute they were??  Sigh.
 The best buds watching the ginormous seal, just floating around.  
 The cool chicks!  And yes, the shades matched.  They were in the favor bag at Avery's birthday party.
 Riding daddy's shoulders.
 The whole bunch, obsessed with the..chickens?  At the zoo.  Yeah, weird kids.
 My loves. :)  
After we walked though the zoo, we had a nice little picnic then took a ride on the carousel, which the big kids loved!    

 (Out of focus, I know!)

It was a success!  They kids had fun, us grown ups had fun, no potty accidents, no sunburns.  Just plain old family fun at the zoo fun.  Wouldn't have minded some cotton candy (smelled sooo good!!), but what can you do?  We'll be back Roger Williams, we'll be back :)

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