This trip was pretty funny. Mark broke out his Rollerblades, that haven't been used since we were dating senior year in high school! We use to go down to the Cape Cod Canal with them and had so much fun, but oh my goodness how stupid we must have looked! Going along was great! We were so cool (right), but stopping was a whole other story! Since I was awful at using that back breaking thing, I had two options: fly to the left across the on coming canal traffic (bikers and the like) and roll onto the bumpy grass and hope not to role into a nice happy family picnic or go to the right on the smallest strip of grass that turned right into huge rocks, going down in the rip tide of the canal. Hmm..I choose the "jay-rolling" and would tumble onto the grass. It worked and I didn't die. But it also had me putting those Benny's bought Rollerblades into retirement after like 10 uses.
Soooo, (blabbering, I know) when Mark took his out it was hysterical. I had only been out of the hospital for a little while, and it took a lot from Mark to convince get me out into the fresh air, but they made me laugh. And it was exactly what I needed. See for yourself, how adorably cute and silly my boys and my little girl are! I would never, ever be me without them, from senior year, until now :)
Going on his own
Watching his brother and dad
Dad, starting to take Avery for a ride
They are all flying!
She liked it!
Going down a little trail (couldn't decide which one to choose, so I put up a bunch)
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