I'm going a bit backwards on these next couple of posts. Oh well. So well start with Easter. We had a great day! We started the day by, duh, opening our baskets left by the Easter bunny. They both loved their gifts, with VERY limited candy for the big boy. That was not happening at my house. I would have ended up eating it myself. He brought them some little games, sippies, chalk, jammies, stuffies, socks, things like that.
After we did our baskets, we went upstairs, gave baths and all played on mommy and daddy's bed. No pictures of that, but it was so sweet. I wish we could do that all day long, everyday. Just a big giggle fest from all of us, pretending to sleep, wrestle daddy and laughing at Avery for following our directions. Cam is so proud of her when he tells her to do something, like "go to sleep Avery" and she lays down and shuts her eyes. Its so sweet. I was sad to get up and carry on with our day :)
Our first stop was Marks parents house. They were having a sit down dinner with some of their own siblings, but all of the cousins (our age cousins) got together to visit before we all had to separate to get to our other side of the family. It was weird that we all had another places to go, but that we that we were fortunate enough to see each other for at least a little while!
Our next stop was my parents house. We had lunch/dinner with my parents and siblings, and my dad's side with the aunts, uncles, cousins and their boyfriends (whom I love!!) Then we had our first annual egg hunt for the littles. This year it was Cameron and Ryan doing the hunting, but Avery tried to get in the fun. Next year you know she'll be pushing everyone down to find those precious eggs! We talked about having an adult "hunt" of some sorts for next year. Need to think about it. Their are way to many ideas!!
Here she is with my cousin Danielle. Love.
Her little dress, watching the big big boys playing on the four wheeler.
And then the little boys got their chance
Family pic. All smiling!
Paying attention (haha!) to Tina telling them the rules of the hunt
And hunting...
And more hunting!
Avery trying to get in on the action.
Stealing from his cuz? Bad boy!!
Daddy's with their kids, counting and eating.
After the egg hunt, we went into the barn and played (or watched to boys play!) ping pong and pool. It was fun. At one point my dad was shooting his last shot before winning a pool game and right when the eight ball was about to go in, Cam pushed it out of the way to another spot on the table! Everyone thought he had ruined the game (but were laughing at my dad!) My dad took another final shot and got it in. Cam to the rescue! lol.
The Peep cake that my sis and her hubby made for me for my birthday (celebrated on Easter)
And there they are! With my niece, Aubrey.
It was a great day, visiting with everyone. And we didn't even get home to late to mess up their sleep schedule! A success!! And even though I didn't make it to church and Cameron isn't all that perceptive to my kid friendly reason to why we celebrate Easter, Jesus was not forgotten on our bright and sunny day. Without him, this day would not be celebrated. Nothing would be celebrated. And that is something that should be remembered everyday, not just on Easter. He is why we live, and He should be celebrated always.
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