Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Last views of Chippy, for a looong time!

Just to fill you in, the last week of Chippy, we got lazy.  He flew home to the North Pole every night, gave Santa his report and made it home, he just didn't end in the fun places he had in the past.  We always have next year..

Cameron loved this little guy.  He actually cried Christmas morning when he was no where to be found.  I anticipated this, so I made a little card from Santa and had Santa himself explain that Chippy needed to come home to help him make toys for next year, and that Chippy would be back.  There was also a picture waiting for Cam to see on my computer of Chippy putting the presents under the tree.  Oh, the things you will do for your children!!

Don't get to excited, but here is the final pics of the little Elf on a Shelf, a new (put definitely not original!) tradition for our little family!

Cam colored this and my intention was to make it took like one of those "stick your head in this hole and you'll look like a...." things that you see at zoo's and what not.  Didn't really work!
 On the train around the tree.  Cam HAD to have this train when he saw it at Home Depot.  First ever full out tantrum at a store.  And we caved.
 Making coffee for dad in the AM.  He got his real coffee at Dunks cause he couldn't move him that day.
 Hanging with Santa, telling him about Cam and Avery, I guess :)
 Sleighing around, with no reindeer's...oops
 Time, it was a ticking!  Christmas Eve, eve.
 This was the pic that was on my lap top for Cam to see of Chippy helping Santa put the gifts out.  There was a little sticky from Chips that said something like, "You both have been great this year, keep it up and I'll see you next year!"  It made him soooo much happier to know he'd be back!

So as you can see, a few holes in my creativity, but Cam's not even 3 yet and Avery is 10 mos.  They don't care!  But regardless, we all had fun setting him up each night and watching him hunt, on his own mind you, each morning.  It was priceless to see his face when he found him and I hope he'll have just as much fun with him next year.  Now, I am officially done with Christmas!  I PROMISE!

1 comment:

  1. This was our first year with our Elf on the Shelf and he was so much fun! What a cool idea to take pictures of him each day -- I am totally doing that next year!
