Thursday, January 21, 2010

A year ago today..

I was in labor with my first born son. My family and Mark's family was waiting in the waiting room for Mark to run out and tell them he was born. We were waiting to be told to start pushing. Waiting to be told he was healthy. Waiting to meet him. I had ever been so excited for anything in my life. And there were no nerves. I was so full of confidence and excitement that there was no room. I just want to hold him, to see Mark hold him and to start loving him. We had been waiting long enough. It was almost time.

That was a year ago to this moment. Since then, he has grown physically, mentally and emotionally. He's grown from 7lbs 10 oz to around 21 lbs! He's grown from 20.5 inches to 28 inches! He came out not being able to hold his head up, and now he can hold his whole body up, almost walking! He used to only be able to cry, and now he's starting to talk! He was scared of the world around him and now he loves all of it! Its gone so fast and I'm so proud of him! My big boy! But he knows when to slow down. Every night, when his world calms down, he remembers what it was like to just be a baby. And he helps me to remember too.

Day 21

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