Phones. He LOVES them! Any phone, if he sees it, he wants it and if he doesn't get it, he freaks! Since around 9 or 10 months, he's been obsessed with our cell phones. Mark put an app. on his BlackBerry that turns it into a little baby toy. Each button he presses says a letter, number or sound. He'll sit in his car seat and we'll just here "O, O, O" over and over again. Its pretty funny, but don't expect to get the phone back without a little fight! For his birthday, we bought him a little toy phone that makes noises and stuff. He loves it, but not to the extreme that he loves our cell phones. He will sit and talk into it, looking around to make sure we are watching. Come to think of it, he'll talk into anything, just to get a laugh out of us.
Day 28
We always get lots of bath time pics, mainly because its a well lit room for night time. They will get boring, eventually, but I thought this one was cute. He was having a blast splashing away and the water looks cool, kind of "frozen" in the air.
Day 26
I love the water! That is so neat!