He's been playing with this walking thing for a few months. First, he started out by pulling himself up and cruising along the furniture. Then we got him some push toys and he started flying around the house. Since mastering both of those tasks, it has now come time to walk. On. His. Own. Granted he looks like a little Frankenstein while he does it, but he is walking, nonetheless. And he's doing it a lot! He doesn't even have to be prompted anymore. Its amazing! I'm so proud of him, but so so so sad, too! I LOVE watching him crawl. It has to be the cutest thing he has done yet! And I'll be pretty sad to see that stop. But man, is he adorable when he walks around! He sucks his little belly in and always has a big, proud smile on his face. And when he reaches his destination, he always looks back, laughing, to make sure someone was watching him. Priceless, really. I would say he's 75 % there now. Maybe we'll have a full time walker by his birthday in 14 days. It could happen!!
Day Eight
you caught the image perfectly :)