Friday, January 29, 2010

The Weekend!

We had some friends over, Ashlyn and Bryant. They had fun, as you can see! I'll post more pics of the day later.

Day 31

Playing on his new slide that he got from Grandma and Grandpa. Loves it, but still to little to do it himself!!

Day 30

Friday Grammie and Auntie babysat.
Day 29

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gabbin' and Splashin'

Phones. He LOVES them! Any phone, if he sees it, he wants it and if he doesn't get it, he freaks! Since around 9 or 10 months, he's been obsessed with our cell phones. Mark put an app. on his BlackBerry that turns it into a little baby toy. Each button he presses says a letter, number or sound. He'll sit in his car seat and we'll just here "O, O, O" over and over again. Its pretty funny, but don't expect to get the phone back without a little fight! For his birthday, we bought him a little toy phone that makes noises and stuff. He loves it, but not to the extreme that he loves our cell phones. He will sit and talk into it, looking around to make sure we are watching. Come to think of it, he'll talk into anything, just to get a laugh out of us.

Day 28
We always get lots of bath time pics, mainly because its a well lit room for night time. They will get boring, eventually, but I thought this one was cute. He was having a blast splashing away and the water looks cool, kind of "frozen" in the air.

Day 26

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A little behind!

I swear, I have a picture for each day, but I've been super busy! I promise, they will be up tomorrow, or the next day. I haven't quit yet! Check back soon!

Monday, January 25, 2010

My little handyman

Yesterday, 10 minutes before my guests were supposed to arrive, I realized my oven wasn't preheating. Well what do you know? It's broken. Perfect! I almost had a meltdown, with my Cheesy Buffalo Chicken dip in hand, until I remember that we have a spare oven upstairs! Our house, originally a pre-1900's single family house, was at one point changed into a two family, with a unit on each floor. After we bought the house, we kept it as a two family for the extra income. Once the baby came along, only a few changes were necessary to change it back to its original single family state. However, we opted to keep the kitchen as a kitchen for when we move and want to rent the house again. Does that make sense? I usually hate having that extra room there, but not today! My dip was saved!!
Today Mark figured out what was wrong with the oven, with Cameron's help no less!! Aren't they just the cutest? I wonder what he was saying to him...

Day 25

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Cake is Made!

What do you think?
Day 23

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cameron's 1!!!

I can't even believe it! He's a whole year old today!! That seems CRAZY to me! It seems like I've had him forever, but at the same time, the year flew by! My little baby is now a little boy. Sigh.

Okay, I can deal! So today we decided to take him out to lunch, you know start a tradition of sorts. It was the first time we've ever ordered him something of his own off the menu. He got grilled cheese and peas. The peas did not fly with him! I wish I got the face he made when he tried them!! But he had so much fun! We go to this place a lot, so the girls that work there all came over and wished him a happy day. They are all so sweet.

After dinner, we did presents. He was so much more into opening presents now, then he was around Christmas time. He got great stuff from his parents (brag) and especially loved his stacking cups. The cheapest gift he got ended up being his favorite. Go figure! He also go a Fisher Price Learning Home, which he helped daddy put together. I think we had a great day, and can't wait for his big party on Sunday!! Ohhh, I still can't believe it!!

Day 22

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A year ago today..

I was in labor with my first born son. My family and Mark's family was waiting in the waiting room for Mark to run out and tell them he was born. We were waiting to be told to start pushing. Waiting to be told he was healthy. Waiting to meet him. I had ever been so excited for anything in my life. And there were no nerves. I was so full of confidence and excitement that there was no room. I just want to hold him, to see Mark hold him and to start loving him. We had been waiting long enough. It was almost time.

That was a year ago to this moment. Since then, he has grown physically, mentally and emotionally. He's grown from 7lbs 10 oz to around 21 lbs! He's grown from 20.5 inches to 28 inches! He came out not being able to hold his head up, and now he can hold his whole body up, almost walking! He used to only be able to cry, and now he's starting to talk! He was scared of the world around him and now he loves all of it! Its gone so fast and I'm so proud of him! My big boy! But he knows when to slow down. Every night, when his world calms down, he remembers what it was like to just be a baby. And he helps me to remember too.

Day 21

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 Days!!

I made it 20 days into the project! That's progress, it really is!! I'm thinking if I keep working towards the little steps, then 365 days one won't seem so hard! We shall see!

Tonight we bought Cameron's new fishies for his new tank. We got three multi-colored guppies. He loves them! He likes to stand on the ottoman and laugh at them, which makes me happy. I love that we decided to put it in his room. It fits perfectly and really does look great in a little boys room. With the back light from the tank, the pictures of Cam looking at them were horrendous! Embarrassing, really. So this is just one of Cam playing with my lens cap on our big bed. I don't know why, but he LOVES lens caps!

Day 20

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crazy Monkey

Oh Cam. He is such a loving and super playful little boy. And soo goofy! I swear he gets it from my dad. His latest "babble" is "hubba, hubba" and its hysterical! I doubt he has any idea what he's saying, but I need to get him some sun glasses and record him being all suave and what not. He's also been doing this weird thing with his tongue. All. The. Time. I swear, he can flip it over! Although weird, I figured it should be documented! And what better thing to be wearing then his sock monkey hat! Maybe he's teething. Maybe he's just a goofy little monkey. Either way, its still kinda cute.

Day 19

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Recap

Holiday Monday!! Yeah to long weekends!! We had a super long, super busy, super productive day today! To many things to list!! One of the things we got done was setting up Cameron's new fish tank. He got it from his grandparents for Christmas. He actually got a much bigger tank, but we opted to exchange it for a smaller one to fit the scale of his bedroom. It looks great and is an automatic white noise machine! We are letting the water do its thing and warm up before we get the fish. I'm positive Cameron will become obsessed with watching the fish once they are in there. He already likes watching it just with the plants in it!

Day 18
Most Sunday nights we go to my parents house for dinner. Its usually more then just dinner actually. Most of the time we go over much earlier, around 2 or 3, and spend the day visiting up until dinner, then hang out some more after dinner. This week wasn't much different. Before my parents house, Mark and I split up to do our own thing. I went bridesmaid dress shopping for my younger sisters wedding (We found great dresses!!) and Mark took Cam to Bass Pro Shop with my dad. We all had alot of fun, then finished the night with chicken parm and a nice, warm fire. As you can see, Cameron loves helping Grampie setting up the fire. They look so cute :)
Day 17
Today (Saturday) Cameron and I went to a Gymboree class with our friends Steph and Ashlyn. After Steph and Ashlyn got a membership, I decided to give it a try. It was pretty fun, although I don't know if I want to spend that much money to sign up monthly. I'll have to go to another class or two to make sure Cam likes it. He has to take something in for a bit before opening up to it. So after observing the other kids play for 15 minutes, he decided it was time to play, but of course, that was when the structured part started! Oh well, we'll see next time. It would be good to have some more play time with kids his age.

After our class, Steph, Justin and Ashlin came over our house. The kiddos got in there jammies and played for awhile. Here's a cute picture of Ashlyn. I like her Valentines Day/dalmatian jams. Gettin' big I tell ya!!
Day 16
Just Cam being cute.
Day 15

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pancakes for Dinner

We decided to have blueberry pancakes for dinner tonight. Mark calls it "Brinner", you know, breakfast for dinner. He thinks he's so funny! :) But ooo were they good! I swear, Cam has never been so excited about a meal in his life! He made a mess and loved it. Straight to the bath after this picture. We should have dinners like that more often!

Day 14

No Pic Cause I'm Sick

Today I didn't even look at my camera. It sat in the bag next to my couch all day long, while I laid on the couch, asleep, almost all day. I had a stomach bug, or something like that. I felt hungover, spinning and puking. It was not a good morning. And no, I'm not pregnant :) I'm using my "No pic cause I'm sick" card today. So I decided to use a picture from yesterday to fill in. Isn't he cute? That's a little tiny toddler chair and he looks like such a big boy sitting in it! His feet are very far from reaching the ground, but of course, I didn't catch that in the picture. Oo I just love him so much! Okay, back to resting.

Day 13

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gramie and Papa's House

Today, like every other Tuesday, Cameron is lucky enough to get to spend the afternoon with his Grammie (my mom) while I go to work. Usually she comes to our house and watches Cam here, but this week she opted to take Cam over to her house. She has a new kitty, so of course Cam would want to play with her!

After work, Mark and I head over there to pick him up and have so take out pizza with my parents and little brother, Kevin. We try really hard to be prepared, we really do. But there is always something that we forget. Tonight we forgot the sippy cup. And of course, tonight is the night that he just NEEDED some water with his dinner. So we decided to try the straw. He has used a straw before, but we were out at a restaurant so the water was ice cold and it kind of scared him. Tonight, though, the straw was a success. He got his water, and learned something new in the process.

Day 12
(Don't know why the light green walls came out as gray. Suggestions?)

Monday, January 11, 2010

I've got nothin' :)

Bath time tonight. Not a good pic. It was a long day! A fun-with-Cammy-but-long day! Now its my turn to relax!

Day Eleven

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bye, Bye Uncle PJ!

One of my younger brothers, PJ, shipped out today. He goes to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and spends a semester at sea every year. Today was a chillingly cold day, down near 10 degrees when he left. My mother, Cameron and I drove to Cape Cod to see him off. I bundled Cameron up like he was going skiing - thermal pajamas, sweatshirt, pants, winter coat, hat and mittens and then stuffed in his new toddler sized Bundle Me. He could hardly move and didn't even make a peep. I think he was mad at me!

Anyway, we saw PJ off. I hope he has a nice, safe, WARM trip and has fun while doing so!! Cam will miss his Uncle while he's gone. I hope he remembers him when he gets back!

Day Ten

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday night fun!

Its amazing to see how much a twenty-somethings Saturday nights change after having a baby. Our best friends had a baby a month after we had Cameron. We spent most of our weekend nights with them, and although we weren't all heavy partiers before the babies, we did have fun! We could make last minute plans and go out to dinner. We could go into the city to have drinks and stay out late. If we were bored, we still had the freedom to say, "lets have pizza on the beach" and be out the door 2 minutes later.

It doesn't happen that way anymore! Now we have to plan things and pack things and prepare. For the most part we stay put, either at our house or at their house. Our Saturday "nights" usually start around 5 and end around 8:30, just in time for the babies to go to bed. Tonight wasn't much different. We went to Steph and Justin's house where they made us dinner and then we spent the rest of the night letting Cameron and Ashlyn play together. Cameron even got to spend some alone time with his "Auntie" after Ashlyn went to bed.

Now I will be the first to admit that our Saturday nights aren't the same kind of fun that they used to be. They are a whole different fun, a better fun. We talk more, we play more and we laugh more. Nothing can compare to the fun that we are having now. The babies have changed our Saturday nights for sure, but I wouldn't take the old ones back for anything. Sleeping in Sunday mornings? Now, I wouldn't mind taking that back! :)

Day Nine

Friday, January 8, 2010


He's been playing with this walking thing for a few months. First, he started out by pulling himself up and cruising along the furniture. Then we got him some push toys and he started flying around the house. Since mastering both of those tasks, it has now come time to walk. On. His. Own. Granted he looks like a little Frankenstein while he does it, but he is walking, nonetheless. And he's doing it a lot! He doesn't even have to be prompted anymore. Its amazing! I'm so proud of him, but so so so sad, too! I LOVE watching him crawl. It has to be the cutest thing he has done yet! And I'll be pretty sad to see that stop. But man, is he adorable when he walks around! He sucks his little belly in and always has a big, proud smile on his face. And when he reaches his destination, he always looks back, laughing, to make sure someone was watching him. Priceless, really. I would say he's 75 % there now. Maybe we'll have a full time walker by his birthday in 14 days. It could happen!!

Day Eight

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sick Day

So Cameron woke up this morning with really gunky eyes. They were practically glued shut. So off to the doctor we went. He wasn't out of character really, still acting like his happy self. He just looked gross, with the goop in his eyes and that ever running nose. I figured it was just conjunctivitis. When we saw the doctor she confirmed the pink eye and discovered he had double ear infections. Huh? He wasn't showing any symptoms of this! And who knows how long they have been infected. Awesome mom!

So for the rest of the day he was pretty good, but you could tell things were starting to bother him. I even noticed he's started to cut a bottom molar! Quite a little trooper, huh? I could have found something different to photograph today, but didn't really have the time. He's learning to climb the stairs and while he tried to get up those stairs today, he just wasn't into it. I'm not really into the picture myself. It's crocked but when I try to straighten it, his feet get cut off, which annoys me. The shadows to the left of him were also really distracting in color, so black and white it was. Maybe I'll play with it in Photoshop. Tomorrow...

Day Seven

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Crazy hair!

Bath time tonight. He makes everything so much fun. Sigh.

Day Six

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Playin' with his pup

Playing or just watching? I mean, Riley the Beagle is a verrry interesting little animal. I like this picture because it makes my Cammy look really little! And with the "Big 0-1" coming up, I'll take all that I can get to keep him little!

What do we think of the antique black and white?

Day Five

Monday, January 4, 2010

Reading and Relaxing

What a cute little guy! Sitting all by himself on his new chair, reading a book. I don't know where this is going to lead him. I love books and reading. Mark hates reading but is still definitely the smarter of the two of us. He seems to know something about everything. Does that make sense? Any topic that comes up, he seems to know enough about it to interact in a conversation. Me on the other hand? I know enough in the areas that I have studied. Other then that, well, I'm just dumb and happy. I hope Cameron takes a bit from both of us in this area. I hope he inherits my love for reading and books, with Marks natural ability to learn a ton on a daily basis. We shall see. For now, well, I'm just proud he get into the chair on his own!

Day Four

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sneezing is soo funny!

I was trying to get Cameron's attention, but he wanted nothing to do with me and the camera. Mark popped up behind me and pretended to sneeze and Cam flipped out laughing! For like 15 minutes! It was hysterical and his mood stayed happy like this for the rest of our snowed in day!

Day Three

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Snowy weekend

My cutie enjoying the classic New England view from his favorite spot in the house: his highchair!

Day Two

Friday, January 1, 2010


New Years eve has come and gone and its now 2010! I can't even believe it! This just goes to show you how fast time does fly when your not looking! Thank God for pictures! Without my obsession with documenting absolutely everything that has happened in my life since Cameron was born (well, long before that actually), I swear I would have missed so many of the little things that happened and already have forgotten when he hit certain milestones. It is because of this (and the girls on that I have decided to make one of this years resolutions: to take a picture (or 2 or 3) a day for the entire year. Hopefully I will be able to find something meaningful daily and hopefully I will be able to keep up with it! My intent with this resolution is to continue photographically documenting my life and to dramatically improve my skills in photography. I'll post the pics on here in between my regular posts. Keep your fingers crossed. If Day One's picture is any sign, this could be a loooong year! :)

Day One