Sunday, December 18, 2011

Busy weekend, part one!

We had a great weekend!!  Can you believe it's the weekend before Christmas??  I can't, especially since I have next to no shopping done, let alone wrapped and hidden away from my kids!  That will all get done like normal, on Christmas Eve!!  I swore this wouldn't happen again, but of course, it always does! :)

So, this Saturday night, we had my mom's family side get together, The King Family Party.  Forever we have had it at my Aunt Sharon's house, but for the past two years (since all the babies have come along) we have had it at my parents house which has a tad more space for running and crawling around.  But this year, my cousin Candy and her husband offered there house for the party.  I loved the idea since, 1) It
 was something new and 2) We had never been to there new house!  They live about 2 hours away from our house, so the kids were well rested and happy when we got there.  This side of the family is big, to say the least, but also has a bunch of kids, ranging from 3 mos to 8 years old so loud and busy (Cam's favorite!) is an ongoing theme!  We had a great food, a Yankee swap with the adults (gently used or re-gifted presents, which made it fun and interesting!!) and the first gifts of the season for the kids.  So here are some pics of our celebration!

Avery in her red dress (that I spent so much time hunting for and you can't even see cause she drools so much she needs a bib!) her sparkly tights and cutsie cue shoes!!  Girls are fun to dress!  Even if you are dressing a 10month old in 3-6 mo old clothes!! 
 Waiting patiently to open the first gift of the season!
 Avery's first Christmas gift ever!!
A Dolly!!!  Think she loves it?
 Bro and Sissy and two cousins, sisters Starlla and Summer
 Trying to find room to crawl
 All the girls on the King side.  Aunts, cousins and their kids
 The Men, the one King brother, then all the rest are married into the family or born in.  There are LOTs of girls on this side!!
Some of the cousins kids: Ryan, Cameron, Starlla, Will, Avery, Sadie, Aubrey and Summer
 Poor Avery was not happy for this picture!
 My Cam and his BF cousin Ry in all their spazy boy glory!!
 Auntie Tina and Aubrey
 The girl cousins

We had fun, and hopefully we will see each other a few times again in 2012 before our Christmas party!!  Doesn't happen all that much, but it should!!  Love you all sooo much ladies, and your husbands and your kids!!!

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