Monday, November 7, 2011

My projects. My many, many projects!

Seriously, I have soooo many ideas!  Yet my life right now is lacking in time and, oh yeah, motivation!!  A wonderfully rambunctious toddler and an oh-so-lovely-that-I-don't-want-to-take-my-eyes-off-of-her infant tend to take up all of my time, and when they are finally in bed, I have time for a shower (sometimes) and then filling myself in on all the Internet things that I missed all day.  Did I forget to tell you that my kids, even my little 8 month old, don't really nap anymore?  Ugh. 

ANYWAY, I figured maybe if I write these projects down, I'll will guilt/motivate myself into doing these things and finally getting them done, or at least started!  

, so here are some things that I want or need done soon, in no particular order:

Potty Train Cameron.  I had started working on this back in December and January, while I was very pregnant.  Things were going pretty well.  But then came Avery and his pooping and peeing in the potty inevitably went on the back burner.  We start up again here and there, but then things come up (hospitalization, vacation, etc.) and he is still hardly trained.  He's a very smart boy and knows what he needs to do, but his mommy needs the time and devotion to be able to do it.  So I bought the ebook: Three Day Potty Training, which I have heard awesome things of.  So I need to try this out.  Soon!!!

Get Cam to stay all night in his Big Boy Bed.  
He comes in to our bed around 3am every morning.  We are awful parents by letting him do this, but it's just soooo easy!  He goes right back to sleep, doesn't wake Avery and I don't loose sleep over it.  We just need him out, or we are going to need a king!!  Can you Ferberize a 2.5 year old?

Paint our kitchen cabinets and walls.  It's an ugly kitchen and needs a face lift, pronto!!

Re-do our play room.  I will talk more about his later, but being on the first floor it looks way more like a play room, rather then a nice room, with toys stored in it.  Does that make sense?  I want it to match the rest of the floor.  

Organize our new laundry/craft/office space upstairs.  There are tons of projects to be done up there; to many to list!!  But one that I have all of the materials for, but haven't started yet is re-painting this adorable kiddie table and chair set with a fun color and using chalk-board paint on the table top.  

Making an art arrangement for Cameron's bedroom.  I found a million examples of this on Pinterest using canvas and scrapbook paper in a 3x3 set up.  I have all the materials for this one, too!

Work on the fleece blankets I started for my babies.  Again, have all the materials for these!! (I think I like shopping!)

Put things up on my walls!!  
Six years guys, and we have like one picture up on our walls!!

Find a new home for my beagle.  Love him to death, but come surgery time, its just not going to happen.  At least while I'm re-couping.  We'll see what happens with that.  

Get my husband to do about a million things around the house to make it what I thought it would look like when we bought it 6 years ago.  Lol.  Tons have been done to it, but things come up and of course, you get settled in and comfortable with how it is.  I just have a bunch of things I would like done to make it feel more complete.  More on that one, too! 

Giving this blog a face lift.  I think it's looking, and always has, a bit plain!!  Needs to be snazed up!

Oh and I REALLY need to read the 50-ish books I have regarding photography and practice, practice, practice!  Being a hobbyist with photography, I feel like I have waaaay digressed and need to get back into it.  The books I have are awesome, but I need to dust them off and read, or re-read, these books and get back into what I have a bit of a small passion for, even if I'm not that good at it.  Also, in this category, learn Photoshop Elements, which I got for Christmas, last year!!  

So, that's a few of the things I want to get working on!  Maybe now that I have a list, or a start of one at least (It's late and I know I'm forgetting a few) I will get started on some.  Keep yelling at me, and maybe I'll get one done every week, or at least every other.  And I'll try and keep you updated!  First things first I think:  Getting Cam to stay in his bed.  Please, anyone have advice???  Trust me, Avery will NOT be co-sleeping with us!!

(sorry so long, and not interesting!)

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