Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just swinging around!

So a few weeks ago, or maybe months, the neighbor at my dad's work was planning on throwing out a pretty nice swing set. My dad jumped on the opportunity to have his guys paint and upgrade the swing set and set it up at our house. Our house, mind you, has a super small yard with lots of work left to do on it, but who cares for now, right?

So after all was said and done, we have a swing set in our yard! Complete with two adult swings, a baby swing and a ladder leading to Cameron's "fastest slide ever!" We have been playing on it or weeks, but this was the first time we tried out our little peanut on the swing. Tell me her reaction to this swing isn't the cutest look ever? I could just eat her up, I practically do every time I look at her! So, pictures here you go:

First time on, with Cam pushing her from the front made her laugh hysterically!!

Do we like the effect?
Bonding on the swings! Love!

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