Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend Recap

For the first time in a long while we didn't have something planned for every second of our weekend! It was nice and busy enough, but not boring. Mark goes mad when he gets bored, but that's another topic!

We started out the weekend by attending Ashlyn's friend birthday party. She turned one last week and had a separate family party. This week the party was more like a reunion of our friends. Seven of our friends had babies last year, so they were all invited to wish Ashlyn a happy birthday. There were so many babies there! I think there was a 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 13 month old there! Cameron and Ashlyn are the oldest of the bunch and the most mobile. Because of this, they sort of stuck to each other. Either that, or because they see each other at least once a week! It's pretty cute to see them actually play with each other now! Finally!

Day 58

On Sunday, we stayed home for most of the day. Cameron took out his new super cute crayons and attempted to make some art. Yeah, not so much. He had fun, but had no idea what he was doing! He tried to draw on his teeth more then the paper! We'll see, but for now there is no artist living in our house!

Day 59

Friday, February 26, 2010

Cute surprise

I walked into the playroom this morning to find Cameron on the floor like this. I don't think he could be any cuter. Although, I am a bit bias...

Day 57

Thursday, February 25, 2010

HIs (not so) new favorite toy

Cameron got this chair for Christmas from Mark and I. I always thought that since it is a bit big for him that he wouldn't use it for some time. Because of this it has lived in the playroom with all of his stuffies on it, coming out only when we try to get him to watch a quick Elmo's World or other show. Well, the other day I took all of the animals off for some reason and wouldn't you know it, Cam can climb! Like a crazy kid at that! He spent so much time the past few days on that chair! Sitting on it, pretending to read, standing on it watching the cars go by or dropping way to many toys behind it, thinking it's so funny to watch me have to pick them all up. I had no idea a chair (even though it is uber cute!) could be that much fun! Jeeze, why do I even buy toys anymore??

Day 56

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Big is Baby....?

....This big!!!

It was way to cute. Cameron and I went to Target today and while we were there we picked up the Elmo book, "So Big!". Its a cute book and apparently has very educational illustration. While Mark was reading the book for the first time, he read Cam the line "How big is baby Elmo?" and Cam threw his arms over his head just like the picture. It was way to cute, and I am happy I got to get it in a picture. I was just trying to get a cute daddy and son reading photo, but this is cuter. Smart, smart boy!

Day 55

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dad and dog

I didn't realize this was such a serious modeling shoot. You'd think at least one of them could have thrown me a smile...

Day 54

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bath time

Tonight at bath time, we tried putting Cameron in the whole tub instead of putting him in the small baby tub, in the big tub. Yeah, that did not work well! I don't know what it was. He could have been over tired, to cold or just plain scared to death, but what ever it was he screamed and cried the whole time! He wouldn't even sit down! The whole bath took about 2 minutes because he just would not cooperate, but the second he was out and bundled up, he was happy as a clam! In this picture, he looks a bit like he's yelling, but if I remember right, he was just laughing at daddy being silly behind me. The monkey sitting next to him is one of my favorite stuffies he has. His name is Gilbert, named after the man who gave it to Cam when he was born. I love him!

Anyway, I hope the next bath goes better then this! And I pray this isn't a sign of how swimming lessons are going to play out!!

Day 53

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Busy Weekend!

OK, I'm going to try to make this as short as possible! On Friday, we had a dinner/play date with our friends Patrick and Molly and their 7 month old daughter, Molly. We don't get to see them that often, but when we do it is always a blast. For not being that used to them, Cameron is super comfortable with them! And he absolutely loves Molly! She's the cutest little pudgy baby! You just want to squeeze her when ever you see her. We tried to get a good picture of them in together in there jammies, but Molly was tired and Cameron was hyper so it wasn't really working! Out of like 25 pictures, this was the best I could get. I love how Cam's legs are just sticking straight up! And notice they are holding hands? Awww...
Day 51
On Saturday, we didn't do to much, but we did get a chance to go over to play with Ashlyn (and of course visit with her parents!) Mark helped Justin with some work around the house, while Steph and I entertained the kids. They are getting soo much better at playing together! Soon they won't even need the mommies to help them!

Sunday was a big day. First, we went back to Steph and Justin's for Ashlyn's first birthday party. Cam arrived bearing gifts: a bundle of tulips and a little "I love you" balloon. I swear, that boy is going to have some hard choices when he gets old enough to date!

After the party, we drove down to the Cape Cod to watch PJ's ship arrive. He had been out at sea for school for the past two months. When he left, Cameron wasn't even walking yet! He's grown so much since the last time he saw him! I am so happy to have PJ home. I worry about him when he's gone, even though I'm sure he's being responsible while he's gone. I guess its just my big sister instincts! But now he's home and the family is back together!

Oh and did I mention that it was Marks birthday?? Yup, my high school sweat heart turned 29! Craziness! We had fun celebrating as a little family. Cameron loved to help daddy open his gifts. He even got him a new wallet, something that he needed really badly! Aren't they just adorable together? He loves his boy so much and Cam adores his daddy. It's endless. I am so blessed to have them both and to be able to watch their father son relationship growing already. I'm one lucky lady!

Day 52

Friday, February 19, 2010

Babies first boo-boo

Today was a bit traumatizing, more for Daddy (and me) then for Cameron, I'm sure! To start, it was February vacation so I had the whole week off, except for today. I had to go in for a few hours this morning, so Mark had the duty of getting Cameron to Aunt Dorrie's. He did an awesome job at getting Cam all ready to go. He even dressed him in his adorable jean overalls that I just love. On the way to bringing Cameron out to the car, our little beagle ran out in front of him and Mark and Cameron took a fall onto our brick walkway. Of course, Mark cushioned him like a great daddy would do, but he did bonk his little head on the ground and scraped the back of his hand and wrist. He had a hat on so he was just left with a little bruise on his head, but his poor hand! It looks so painful! Mark called me at work just mortified that he had done something wrong, which of course he hadn't. Poor Daddy. I felt bad that he felt so bad. It happens and I think Cam's gonna survive! If it scars? Well that will be another story!!

Day 50

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maine Trip Recap

February Vacation! I have been looking forward for this week for sooo long, well at least since Christmas vacation about 6 weeks ago! It couldn't have come sooner. It's these weeks that I have off of work that remind me how much I wish I could be a stay at home mom, rather then a working mom. Sigh. On to the recap!

Friday night we started packing. Here was Cameron trying on Mommy's snowmobile boots:

Day 43

The trip started off as planed. We headed up to Rangeley, Maine to meet up with my parents and my brother Kevin. Cam did awesome for the 6 hour drive! Our little champ took turns sleeping and babbling. He did much better then I expected!! We rented a house on the lake and had an awesome time snowmobiling, like old times. I hadn't been snowmobiling for almost 2 years, so it was a real blast! I thought I would have forgotten how to ride, or at least be a bit scared to go fast, but neither was the case. My father actually commented that he had never seen me ride so well and didn't remember me being such a fast rider. Yeaaaa! Cameron, if you are wondering, stayed back with my mother while we went riding. In a few years he'll be able to go for a short ride, but until then we'll pull him around on a little sled and that's about it!!

Day 44

Day 45

We were planning on staying in Rangely from Saturday to Tuesday, but when Monday came along we realized that there was a big snow storm brewing back home, so my dad (who owns a plowing company) thought it would be best to return a day early. Because we had nothing waiting for us back home, Mark, Cam and I decided to go visit with Marks parents who were staying at there cabin about an hour away.

We had a blast with them, too! This was only the second time Cameron had ever been to this house, so everything seemed new to him! When we first put him down he did a big loop through the down stairs rooms over and over again. Each time he walked by this little duck figurine, he'd stop and give it a big kiss, smack on the beak! It was the cutest thing. The next day, we bundled Cam up and took him out on the lake in his little wooden sled. Don't worry, the ice was crazy thick! He started out laying on the sled, practically asleep, but after a few minutes he sat up and looked like he was enjoying himself! Everything looked so beautiful and the weather was awesome! Maine temperatures are usually so much colder!

We had a great time at both places and were very fortunate to be able to spend this much time with our families. They truly are our favorite people to hang out with and it makes me happy to see Cameron spend time with them. We are a very lucky little family. :)

Day 46

He could hardly move in his snowsuit. It looks like he's saying, "help me" to his grandpa, who of course thought this was hysterical!
Day 47

Day 48

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Two of my favorites..

Cameron and Lipton Iced tea, in the glass bottle. He tried soo hard to get that tea out, but it just wasn't gonna happen. He tried to stick his tongue all the way in, but no way was it long enough! It was just to cute for words! Oh and how come the boys always get the super long and beautiful eye lashes? Mine don't look that good with mascara on! Lucky boy got his daddy's eyes!
Day 42

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are these getting old?

Most days my camera isn't broken out until I get home from work, at 6 o'clock. Because of this, most of my challenge pictures consist of dinner, bath time or jammies. Someday, when it gets bright and warm out, I will start finding time for more interesting pictures, but until then, here is yet another meal time pic. Actually, two. He was having Aunt Annie's for dinner, which is a total winner with him every time! Some how, he figured out that they are hollow in the middle and decided it would be fun to stick one in his mouth and blow out, like a straw. He thought it was hysterical. I loved it, too. He made me laugh, which made him laugh more. Who knew a baby could have this much fun with pasta?

Day 41

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Messy, messy Raviolis!!

I don't think he's ever made this much of a mess at a meal before. He was having fun though and ate every last piece. Besides, look at that face? How could I stop him?

Day 40

Monday, February 8, 2010

We have a Walker!

And I mean a real 100% walker!! No help! It's amazing!

It started on Friday, after Tina left from babysitting him. Mark decided they should work a bit on his walking skills. He would let him go and follow close behind to catch him if he fell, which seemed to be alot! Well this time, he didn't. He just kept going and going and going! And if he did fall, he'd crawl over to the couch, pull up and walk some more. He still looks a little like Frankenstein, holding his arms straight out in front of him, but he'll get it. Now, after a few days of practice, he can stop mid-walk and turn directions, sit down, pretty much anything! The only thing he can't do yet is stand from a sitting position without something to hold on to. He's doing so amazing though! One week after his first birthday! It just doesn't seem right. When I watch him, it looks like a little baby walking. But wow, I guess he's not that little anymore!! My little Franky (Frankenstein) is a real walker! This is going to be fun!!

Day 39

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Relaxing Sunday

We didn't do to much today. It was pretty great. We hung out around the house for most of the day, then went to my parents to watch some of the Super Bowl. I think Cameron liked laying low. He actually watched TV for about 5 minutes, and that was only when we gave him some Puffs to keep him occupied. I think Sesame Street was on. He loves it when they are singing or when Elmo is on. Otherwise, he's just not that in to it. I guess I shouldn't complain, but it would be really great if one of these days I could put in a DVD and get him to stay entertained without my help for more then 10 minutes! Someday... :)

BTW: think it's time for another haircut??

Day 38

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Car Seat

Today we finally bit the bullet and purchased conversion car seats for our cars. Cameron is still under the weight limit, but with him and the weight of the car seat it does get pretty heavy!! The only reason we haven't got new seats yet was because he falls asleep pretty much any time he is in the car. With the infant seat, we can just carry him in the seat wherever we are going and he'll continue to nap. It's been great, but it's time!

For my car, which he is in 99% of the time, we bought an Evenflo Symphony. So far it seems to be a great seat! Super easy to put in the car and really comfortable! I wish I could sit in it!! It was to expensive to buy two, so for MArks truck we bought a Costco something or other. It was really cheap, but got great reviews in BabyBargains. It wasn't as easy to install, and doesn't have the frills of the other one, but for the amount of time he will actually be using it, I think it was a good purchase.

I can't believe his little journey with his car seat is over! It has kept him safe every day for the past year! And look at how much he has grown? Ugh, I think I have separation issues! :) Cam wasn't very happy to say goodbye to it either. I don't know if he's like me and it has sentimental value or he's just lazy and realizes he'll have to walk everywhere now (more on him walking later!!!!). Either way, he was not a happy camper when we put him in the new seat!

First day in his car seat
Last day in his car seat
Day 37
New car seat

Friday, February 5, 2010

Brushin' Those Lil' Teeth

As awful as this sounds, tonight was the first night we tried brushing Cameron's teeth. In the past, we had just done what the pediatrician said and ran a wet washcloth over his teeth during bath time. But now that he's got ten teeth, that's right TEN teeth, we were thinking it was time to break out the baby tooth brush and get started. He was in an awful mood, probably teething (oops!) so it was a quick operation! But he loved the taste of the tooth paste and when I showed him with my brush what to do, he ripped his tooth brush out of daddy's hand and "tried" to do it himself. What a big boy! Now all we have to do is remember to do it daily!

Day 36

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tonight at 9:30 pm!

This was Cam tonight at 9:30 pm. Bedtime was just not on his plan. He had two pretty short naps during the day, 30mins in the morning and another 45 mins in the afternoon. He fell asleep on the ride home from getting picked up from grandma's house and stayed asleep while I prepared his dinner, so like 30 mins. And that made him wide awake?? Usually he falls asleep around 8, but he's turning into a night owl! Oh well I guess, he eventually fell asleep, after ALOT of playing around! And who new a baby could walk in a Sleep Sac?

Day 35

Monday, February 1, 2010

Milk and Cookies

He got a little dessert after dinner. Some organic cookie monster cookie and some milk left from mom's meal. Loved it!
Day 32