Sunday, September 13, 2009

My first sick baby

After seven and a half months of an extremely healthy baby, Cam got his first stomach bug! I didn't think I'd feel so bad for him, but it was a pretty traumatizing few days, probably more for me then him!! The day started out pretty good actually. We took a trip over to see how Mark's parents survived the wedding that they hosted at their house the night before (more on that later) then returned all of the tuxes that were rented by the groomsmen. After, we decided to go to the Cafe on the Common for lunch. Cameron was hungry when we first got there so we fed him, then enjoyed our lunch with an extremely happy and friendly baby!

After lunch, we decided to take advantage of the 80 degree weather and go for a walk. We went to the nature trail and cranberry bog at Patriots Place. It was pretty cool! There were tons of little turtles and frogs and few gross snakes. It will be a really cool place to bring Cameron when he gets a little bigger. Now, though, not so much. He fell asleep in the Baby Biorjn after only 20 mins, which is not like him. This was when we started to wonder if he was feeling ok.

When we got home, I picked him up out of his car seat and BLAH, he puked all. over. me. Not fun. And he continued for most of the evening. Anything we put in him, like water or Pedialite, it came right back up. He was sooo tired and sad looking! Is it weird that I cried just watching him get sick? Anytime we picked him up he just flopped his head on our shoulder and fell asleep. The doctor suggested we take him to the ER, but we opted to wait and see how he did with sleeping. He slept great through the night and has so far kept the little bits of Pedialite down that we have given him today. He's been super tired and slept most of the day, but the times when he is awake he's in a pretty good mood. My little trooper! I hate that he is sick, but I would give anything to be able to spend all day everyday with him.

My sick baby

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