Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Tonight for dinner Cameron had Aunt Annie's, chicken and broccoli. He loves his chicken, and loves his shells even more, but the broccoli, well he just wasn't having it! It was pretty funny to watch him. He'd put it in his mouth, then when he realizes it's a veggie (God, no!!) he'd stick his tongue out and bat at his tongue until the broccoli fell off. I decided it was a good chance for a picture, so Mark tried to get him to eat another little piece, but he was terrified! Just look at his face! You would think we were doing something awful to him, but no. Just trying to get him to eat his healthy food! Now on the "no way will I eat that" list are string beans, broccoli and cucumber. I wonder if green has anything to do with it.

Day 67
Juice, now that's better!
The next day, Cameron had fun sharing his paci with Grover. I just love, love, LOVE my boy!
Day 68

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God his face is hilarious!!! He hates broccoli!
