As you may have guessed, we spend alot of time in here. It keeps Mark and I sane by having a room where Cameron can reek havoc on anything he sees, while not harming any of our "big kid toys". Most things that belong to Cameron live in here. His toys stay in here. His books stay in here. And yes, even his new flat screen TV and DVD player have a home in the playroom. (Why do I feel ashamed to say that?)
Because we spend so much time in here, the passed three days pics have all come out of the playroom. On Monday, I walked in to Cam playing oh-so-happily with his stacking cups. Why is it that babies will play for hours (well that's an exaggeration!) with a toy that cost $4, but when you put an $80 toy in front of them, they look at it for a minute, then never want to touch it again?
Day 60
Tuesday, while playing on the floor with Cameron, I attempted to take a "mommy and me" pic. I laid on the floor next to Cam and held the camera above us. This, as you can guess, did not work. Not a single frame came out with both of us fully in it, looking halfway decent. I did like this picture, though. Cameron has a somewhat devious look on his face. Could have been because he was attempting to pick my nose. Oh, what a funny boy.
Day 61
Finally, on Tuesday I walked in to the playroom to Cam and his favorite stuffy, Wolfie, looking out the window at the gross, rainy weather. He was talking to him in Cammy-talk. I swear he knows what he is saying, I just can't tell yet! It made me want to cry. My little baby, playing on his own with his little friend. Even using his imagination! They really do grow up before your eyes!
Day 62