However, in our families situation, we have been nothing but lucky with our Blue Cross policy. In the last 4 years (not to make us sound pitiful!!) I have gone into preterm labor with Cam at 22 weeks and needed surgery and had either a doctors appointment or ultrasound for the remainder of the pregnancy. I got a DVT in my leg, which caused a run to the ER and a two night hospital day. I had a four night stay in the hospital after being induced to have Cam, while needing some extra care after developing a spinal headache, which needed a blood patch to fix it (owww). Never saw a bill for any of these things. Cam had all the regular baby appointments with only a $15 co-pay. Got pregnant with Avery, needed another precautionary surgery so that I didn't go into preterm labor, a dr's appt or US's every week until the end, got induced and had her, developed another DVT and needed lab work once a week the next 6 months. No bills for these either.
Then there were my neurological tests. Lots and Lots of them. Rare and extensive tests, along with IVC filter placement and removal, twice. Never got charged for these either.
Then today we got the bill for my hospital stay and brain surgeries back in Jan-Feb. Oh my!! The bill listed all the costs of everything that went on while I was there.
Here are a few:
- Surgical intensive care bed: $76,000
- Medical supplies: $35,972.69
- Operating Room Services: $187,137
- Anesthesia: $20,370
The final bill...wait for it....$379,679.86 !!!!!
What we are paying? $250
Can you believe that? I'm sure people have seen the full price of procedures and the like that they have had done, but to me this seems craziness!! I, of course, understand that hospital space is precious, that the tools, medications, and different procedures have take years and years to develop and save lives daily, and the amount of training the nurses, doctors and specialist teams go through to help patients get through their situation is remarkable. But I really had never thought that one patients case, MY specific case (along with everything else!), would cost my insurance company that much money!!! Almost a third of a million dollars!! And all I have to pay for this experience is .00065% of the final price!!
I swear to you now: I will NEVER complain about health insurance again!! Never.