Thursday, March 29, 2012

Let's talk about health insurance!!

So, I know, at least at some point, everyone complains about their health insurance policies.  Either when they see the deduction from their paychecks or while writing out their monthly check.  We complain about high co-pays or the price of prescriptions or the lack of availability of doctors and hospitals within there insurance bracket.  Well, if not everyone, I know we've complained.  For previously working in my towns school system, I have get the state's insurance policy, which is actually very good, but regardless we have always complained about the dent that it leaves in our pockets!

However, in our families situation, we have been nothing but lucky with our Blue Cross policy.  In the last 4 years (not to make us sound pitiful!!) I have gone into preterm labor with Cam at 22 weeks and needed surgery and had either a doctors appointment or ultrasound for the remainder of the pregnancy.  I got a DVT in my leg, which caused a run to the ER and a two night hospital day.  I had a four night stay in the hospital after being induced to have Cam, while needing some extra care after developing a spinal headache, which needed a blood patch to fix it (owww).  Never saw a bill for any of these things.  Cam had all the regular baby appointments with only a $15 co-pay.  Got pregnant with Avery, needed another precautionary surgery so that I didn't go into preterm labor, a dr's appt or US's every week until the end, got induced and had her,  developed another DVT and needed lab work once a week the next 6 months.  No bills for these either.

Then there were my neurological tests.  Lots and Lots of them.  Rare and extensive tests, along with IVC filter placement and removal, twice.  Never got charged for these either.

Then today we got the bill for my hospital stay and brain surgeries back in Jan-Feb.  Oh my!!  The bill listed all the costs of everything that went on while I was there.

Here are a few:

  • Surgical intensive care bed: $76,000
  • Medical supplies: $35,972.69
  • Operating Room Services: $187,137 
  • Anesthesia: $20,370

The final bill...wait for it....$379,679.86 !!!!!
What we are paying?  $250

Can you believe that?  I'm sure people have seen the full price of procedures and the like that they have had done, but to me this seems craziness!!  I, of course, understand that hospital space is precious, that the tools, medications, and different procedures have take years and years to develop and save lives daily, and the amount of training the nurses, doctors and specialist teams go through to help patients get through their situation is remarkable.  But I really had never thought that one patients case, MY specific case (along with everything else!), would cost my insurance company that much money!!!  Almost a third of a million dollars!!  And all I have to pay for this experience is .00065% of the final price!! 

I swear to you now: I will NEVER complain about health insurance again!!  Never.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ouch and smart baby!

I had an outpatient surgery today.  I had to go in to get the IVC filter (a filter that they put in one of my main arteries through my upper leg to block any blood clots that may happen from getting to my lungs during surgery or after) removed.  I had to arrive at the hospital at 6am, so we sent the kids to my in laws for a pajama party.  They did awesome, so I've heard!!  

Anyway, I have been in this pre and post-operating location so many times that I've had most of the nurses at least once, the receptionist all know me and even this certain surgeon, who has operated on me four times now, told me we are practically best friends now, lol!  BUT, hopefully this will be the last surgery for a little while now!!  It seems to be a small bit of closure to what has been going on for the last 2 months now.  But OMG am I in pain today!!  They take the filter out through the same artery that it went in on the right side of my neck.  I have a pretty skinny (aka bony!) neck and every time I move it, it just kills.  Even swallowing hurts.  I tried to take a nap today but can't sleep on my left side because my skull is still swollen around my big scar and now the right side of my neck just kills.  So I tried to sleep on my back, and I am sooo not a back sleeper.  Tylenol PM, anyone?  But don't feel bad for me!  I'm done for now!!  We have some things in the works for later, but not scheduled, so I feel pretty good for the moment.  Seizures showing there happy faces and all.

Oh and want to see how smart my little Avery is?  She built this tower all by herself, swear to G!!  Architect in the works?

(iPhone pics)


 Blurry, but she was so proud of herself!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday Nights

I hate them.  Like, I really, really hate them!  Most people's "hate day" falls on Monday's, since they have to get back into the real world, back to the commute and back to work.  Being a stay at home mom, I loath Sunday nights because I start to realize that my husband has to go back to work in the morning and the all day fun times that we get to have as a whole family has to stop and won't happen again for 5 more days!!  Sure, we have the night times, but when Mr. Construction gets home from work, he's tired, I'm tired, the kids are tired and we all want to eat.  We get to spend time with each other, but its not the same quality time that the weekend allows.  I mean, giving little Avery her night time bottle and reading Cameron his book before saying good night is quality time, but its not the same as how I feel on the weekend.  It's not unlikely that I'll spend my Sunday night shower sobbing because I don't want our weekend to end.  Doesn't help, but it's just what I do. :)  I'm a cryer now, lol.  Babies can do that to you.  But seriously, I just love them all soooooo much and cherish every moment we get to spend together that it makes me sad to be apart.  Mark and I started dating in high school when we were 17.  We had that "we are in love so being together is all that matters" thing going on from the start (I think every one who starts a new relationship can relate!!) and even though it's been almost 14 years, a similar mind set has stuck.  Even when the kids came, we very rarely have date nights and would rather bring them with us wherever we go then leave them home.  Its unhealthy, I'm sure, but it's what we do and what we love.  

So that's my vent for tonight.  I just hate Sunday nights.  I hate using the word "hate", but really, that's how much I don't like my little perfect-to-me family to be separated.  But now it's Monday!!  I can start counting down my days until the weekend begins again.  We can all be together and my heart can grow three times it's size with happiness. 

Just sayin'...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Few Randoms

First, I got my nails done today!!  First time in, like, FOREVER!!  I went to a little place in my town and got the shellac method done (Gelish brand) and they came out soooo good!!  They did all the regular manicure stuff first, like soaking and shaping and filing then used the different stuff when it was time to polish.  A coat gel base, cure for 2 mins under the light, two coats of polish, cure for 2 mins in between each, then a coat of clear, then cure for another two minutes.  Then they were dry!!  So dry, in fact, that they spray them with alcohol to remove the stickies from the nails and have you was then have you wash with soap and water!  I think they were done far faster then a regular mani and came out a million times better!!  They are supposed to last, unchipped for at least two weeks!!  I'll report back later.  If they do, I may have to buy my own kit and do them myself instead of paying every two weeks.  Anyone do this?

When we got home, I got a little envelope in the mail with a new headband for Avery.  I just had my phone nearby, so that's what I used to capture her cuteness!  But I had to switch it up in Instagram!  I just want to eat up her deliciousness all day long!

And then my little pajama man made himself a little fort that he wanted to stay in all night long, including through dinner (which he didn't eat!).  He played with his Leapster and stayed nice and quiet for awhile.  He even tried to fall asleep in it.  We weren't having that, so we scooped him upstairs and got him to bed.  But I'm thinking there will be alot of down time Cameron tomorrow if this fort stays up.  Well, as long as Avery stays out of it!  That could be an epic tantrum from Cam!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Early gardening

Cam and I started to make an inside "garden" a few days ago.  We bought a little mini greenhouse to grown some tomatoes, to later plant outside, then hopefully grow at least one tomato!  He had so much fun!  We also bought these cutesy little animals that grow grass out of their heads like hair.  He LOOOOVED these little guys!

Starting out.  We both look stupid.
 You add water to these little soil pellets and they grow.  He was amazed at them growing!
 Very serious!
 Putting in the seeds
Putting the cap on the greenhouse
 Filling in his frog with soil
 Now watering the little guys (the Duck is Avery's)
 This as the only pic I could get of him with all of our work!!  Goober!
 6 days later, they grew!!  Dori the Duck and Freddy the Frog (per Cam)
 Even the tomatoes are sprouting!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Here in New England, we get tons of snow each winter.  And tons, usually means tons.  Like, a bunch of snow days, a bunch of day long storms and LOTS of shoveling.  Last year, we got something like 98 inches or something.  This year, we got 9.  And the bulk of it was this weekend (or on Halloween!! Weird!)  Cameron was over the moon excited when he saw the snow coming down!  He went to his Goga's the day after the snow "storm" and went snow shoeing!  Then the next day he went sleding with  his Uncle PJ.  I thought they were just using the little green sled on the little hill in the back yard, so instead of getting dressed up myself, I took a picture from inside of them all dressed up before they started: 
I went in to sit in my warm yoga pants, cuddle my little baby, and watch House Hunters (a small obsession I have) until I heard something outside.  I went out to take a look and saw PJ on a 4-wheeler...
Pulling Cameron on his sled, lol! (I had my 50mm on so I couldn't get both of them in the frame at the same time!)
This was from the back porch as they were riding the trails in the woods behind the house!!  
He was having sooooo much fun!!  And I was having just as much fun watching them!  It was probably dangerous and I may not have allowed it if they had asked me beforehand, but after seeing his excited face, it reminded me how much fun kids have with new things!  The last time he played with snow, he had just turned two, so he probably doesn't even remember it!  I have to remember to always show him new things, even if they aren't new to me.  I've dealt with snow almost to the point that I don't like it anymore (well, thats an overstatment!!) but he hasn't!  Sleds, snowmen, snow shoes, 4-wheelers, and even hats, mittens and snow boots are things he isn't old enough to remember from the year before are things that he gets sooo excited over!  I love this age (just like all the others :) ) where he can express his emotions with words and tell me how much fun things are and what he likes.  He's a fun little guy, most of the time :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My silly boy

A few nights ago, we were watching "the funny shot", AKA "Americas Funniest Home Videos.  Cam was dying laughing.  Seriously, we thought he may have a heart attack.  Take a look:

 "What Mom, this is what I do!"