Saturday, June 9, 2012

Founders Day

Ok, just to say, I am sooo far behind! Not on life, (that is going way to fast!) but on this blog!  I'm like 3 weeks behind!  I do this blog as a sort of journal for myself and my family for future reference of what went on daily/weekly/ and sometimes monthly (crap!). Recently, I've decided that it's not necessary to go on the computer during the day.  I have my iPhone to do my quick little check-ins, but to sit around with my face staring at my Mac BookPro with my little ones tugging at my legs or repeating "mommy I want to show you somethinggggggg" way to often, just wasn't fair.  So, the computer doesn't get opened anymore until the last one is up and tucked into bed.  And of course, that one is Cam, who usually goes down around 9-ish every night, giving me hardly any time to get my stuff done before I'm conking out and calling it quits myself.  So that's why I've been MIA for awhile now!  But, it's for a good reason!

But anyway, lets start getting caught up!  A few weeks back, it really started to feel like summer here.  We went to our first summer time parade of the year, sort of a practice Fourth of July parade!  It was to celebrate Founders Day in Foxboro and was followed by a fair and fireworks.  Of course, my kids were no where near staying up for the fireworks, but they did end the day with a trip to the playground and a little tiny family cookout.  All the pics were taken with our phones (And may I just say, I hate the camera on my iPhone?  I thought it would be good, but its not.  Just saying'..)

I think Cam was a little afraid of the fire truck sounds!
Pretty horses 
Goofy Cam and Ashlyn, BFF's! Always holding hands!
 The kids with Googa
First time trying cotton candy!  Really, Mark just wanted it!
 Happy much?
 Seriously, you'd think it was Disney or something!
 Being a fire fighter with Papa
 Big Girl...
 and an even Bigger Boy!!
 Avery's first taste of corn on the cobb!  She was in love!!

And we already knew he loved it!

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