Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Big 3-0!!!

So yesterday was the day! I turned...wait for it....30 years old!! I can't even believe that I'm not in my twenties anymore! Ugh! Its not that I feel old, by any means! It's more like I don't feel that the number matches me. I still feel 26-ish. But for a 30 year old (sigh) I feel like I've done pretty good! I'm married, own a house, and have two of the most perfect little kids ever!! Those are great accomplishments, in my opinion!! Hopefully, the time will start slowing down so I can take a breath and appreciate this life I have made for myself more! It seems to be flying by, and that makes me sad. So so sad! For my gift, Mark bought me a new lens for my camera. A beautiful, 75mm 1.8 prime. So hopefully adding that to my bag will help to capture these moments that whisk by and leave me with beautiful pauses in time that I can stare at when life does start to slow down. Until then, call me the "Mamarazzi!" My kids are going to hate me!!

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