Sunday, March 13, 2011

Four weeks old!!

I can't believe how fast time has gone! It has been such a busy four weeks too! Its crazy how quickly I got to feeling better this time around! I was sooo uncomfortable for so much longer with Cameron! This time, after a few days I was feeling great, other then my leg, but that's different! Avery is doing awesome too! Her EEG came back perfectly and she hasn't had any problems since the day we went to the ER. Hoping it stays this way!

Right now she is eating 3oz bottles every 2-5 hours, depending on the time of day. She's usually up for most of the morning, switching between playing and being fussy. After her noontime bottle she will sleep for about 5 hours, which has been great! Cameron's nap is in there on most days to, just no where near as long!! Most nights she will fall asleep around 9, then I'll wake her for a quick feeding around 11, just to top her off and make that stretch go further. Then she'll go until about 4 or 5, at which time daddy wakes up to feed her. Then she goes back to sleep until 8:30ish. Pretty good sleeping patterns for a one month old!

What else? She loves to be held. Her favorite sleeping spot is in someones arms or her car seat. She can sleep through a ton of noise, which helps having her big brother around! He doesn't know what, "quiet, Sissy is sleeping" means! She's has the prettiest blue eyes and creamy, smooth skin, more like Marks tone. Her dark hair is starting to thin out a little and I'm scared that she is going to look like an old man with a receding hairline soon!! Hopefully not!! At her one month appointment she weighed in at 7lbs 10oz, which puts her in the 11%. That's what Cameron was at birth, so she's a month behind him in size. She still feels like such a peanut to me and is still doing good in her newborn size clothes. She has some time to go before we can start working all the adorable 0-3 month clothes. I can't wait until she can fit into all the teeny tiny jeans and dresses that we have, not to mention the shoes! Oh, I can't wait for the shoes!! It will come soon enough!!

Okay, enough words, how about some pictures??

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