So this week..where to begin!! As most mom's, no all mom's, can tell you, the first few weeks home with a newborn is hard. This being my second, I definitely thought we would handle it much differently then with the first. We had no experience with Cameron, so everything was scary and unknown. It was gonna be a breeze, just cuddling with a squishy little baby and loving every minute of it. Yeah right. I'm never that lucky!
After being home a few days, Mark came down with a stomach bug. A pretty awful stomach bug. One that kept him sleeping on the couch, all day and night. So as he slept miserably down stairs, I was awake feeding the newbie upstairs. Oh well, I would have been awake anyway I guess! Then as this started to clear up, I noticed my sweet little Avery having little jerking fits that scared me to death!! I had to bring her in to the doctor on Saturday for a weight check (she likes being little, 6lbs 4oz now!) and mentioned these to her. She listened to what I had to say and said if I could put my hands on her and she'd stop jerky, all was fine. If not, it could be something to have looked at. That night she had an episode and I tried to hold her still and it didn't keep her still. I freaked and we brought her into the ER. After a long night, which included Mark trowing up in the hospital bathroom, we left with an appointment for a neurologist. After meeting with him a few days later (with no fits in between) we had a EEG scheduled, but he was pretty confidant that it was this thing called Fifth Day Fits which begin happening on a baby's 5th day of life (exact for Avery) and seem like little seizures, but end as quickly as they start and never show up again. So we will see through the EEG. All I want in the whole world is for my kids to be healthy, so I'm praying we get good results!!
But wait, that's not it! This past weekend, I woke up one night with awful pain in my leg. It was swollen to double its size and I couldn't put any pressure on it. We went straight into the ER and yup, my blood clot was back! Same exact spot as last time. So now, more meds and bed rest AFTER the baby came. Ugh! I have been to so many doctors appointments this past week paired with two trips to the ER! Its been crazy, but I'm keeping a positive attitude! It was a perfect pregnancy and birth, so I can handle a minor (ha!) set back. I mean, look what I got out of it? And now I'm getting a little extra cuddle time with my brand new squishy little baby, while daddy does the foot work, and loving every minute of it!