Friday, November 27, 2009

First Santa Pictures: Success!!

Now that Thanksgiving is over with, I am officially allowed to get in the Christmas spirit! And it could not have come fast enough! I have been listening to Christmas music secretly in my car for weeks now and can't wait to get get the decorations up in my house!! I don't know if its because we have Cam this year or because last year I was on bed rest and wasn't able to really celebrate the way I'm used to. What ever it is, I'm overly excited for the holiday's this year!

So while having a play date with our BF couple, Steph and Justin and their daughter Ashlyn, we decided to attempt a trip to visit Santa! We had heard that they did a pretty good job of decorating the Bass Pro Shop in the next town over and thought we'd try it out. It was a good choice! It was more then just a Christmas tree and chair for Santa to sit in. It was a little village with a little forest with snow and lights and even a little train. The line wasn't to bad, even when Santa went on his dinner break. It gave us a chance to take some pictures around the store. We waited for about 30 mins all together.

When he came back from his break, he even stopped and said hi to Cameron! I thought something about his costume or his beard would freak him out, but he did fine! He sat great on his lap, not a big smile, but a little happy face, none the less. I was so proud of him! I will scan the official pic when I have a minute, but for now I have a few pictures that Justin took for me. (I actually forgot my camera! Can you believe it?) Cameron has met Santa! Let the celebrations begin!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day!

Today was our first Thanksgiving Day with Cameron. It was a pretty low-key holiday for us, which is very rare! This year, my side had the H1N1 flu! First Kevin, then PJ, then my parents. There was no way I was going to spend time with them and risk the chance of passing it along to Cameron. Instead, we got to spend the entire day with Marks family. It was alot of fun! We had a great dinner with his parents, brother Matt and his wife Katie, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Greg, Aunt Dori and cousin Emily, along with some of Katie's family. I don't know how, but Joann fit us all at one table!! Cameron even had his first bite of turkey. He seemed to have loved it!!

I have so many things to be thankful for. Not just today, of course, but it is Thanksgiving! A few things I am thankful for are:
My family, both my big, loving family and my new, tiny family.
My awesome husband.
My husbands awesome family.
My job, and of course Marks job :)
My friends, both new and old.
The health of my friends and family.
My faith.
Food on the table and food on others tables.
Soldiers fighting for our peace, present, past and future.
And last but not least: My beautiful, healthy, cuddly, growing, unconditionally loving baby boy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Little Mister Music

Ever since Cameron was born, he has loved anything that made sounds. He loved the mobile in his crib, his little caterpillar and especially his rain forest activity mat. Now that he is a bit older, he absolutely loves to making noise from anything! Whether banging wooden spoons together (then throwing them on the floor) or pressing the buttons on Daddy's Blackberry, as long as its loud, he likes doing it.

This past weekend, Uncle PJ let Cameron try playing his guitar. After a few minutes of "what the heck is this thing?" Cam realized that pulling the little strings made noise. He was very serious about doing this. Like his dad, he always wants to figure out how things work. He takes a few minutes to investigate and once he thinks he knows, he has a blast! Here he is rockin' out on the guitar:

Another way that Cameron has learned to "play" music is on Daddy's electric piano. Mark grew up taking lesson and playing on his family's baby grand piano, which still lives at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Father like son I fuess, Cameron loves smashing his hands into the keys and laughing at the loud noises that comes from the piano. He loves it so much that we have added it into our daily routine. He plays music for me while I make the bed in the morning. What a sweat little guy. Already trying to please his mommy!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Our first Halloween with Cameron has come and gone! We were expecting a yucky, rainy day, but it turned out really good! It was actually close to hot, around 70! We started out the day by getting both our kids dressed for the occasion. By both our kids, I mean Cameron, of course, and our 4 year old beagle, Riley. We bought little Halloween themed t-shirts for both of them and tried to get them to sit still for a picture. Yeah, not happening! And it was more Cameron's fault then Riley's. When clothes are put on Riley, he goes into shock mode and you can get him to do anything you want! We even put him in his pumpkin costume from a few years ago and treid to get a cute pic of that as well.

In the afternoon, we went to my sister Tina's house. We thought it would be easier to invite everyone who wanted to see Cameron and her baby Ryan there, instead of carting the costumed babies all over creation. So we were met with my parents, sister Michelle with fiance Chris, Marks parents, Aunt Dori and cousin Emily. Tina's inlaws were also there. It was pretty funny to see the babies all dressed up and being silly together. Of course, they were conked out by 7:30, so we just ordered pizza and hung out for awhile. Fun night though! I can't wait for next year when they will be able to walk around a bit and actually trick or treat. Ugh, do babies really grow up this quickly??