Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So at 8 months Mark and I decided Cam was old enough to try finger foods. We went with Puffs, which are just like a Cheerio, only made specifically for babies since they melt in toothless mouths. When we first gave him the Puff he acted like his normal self and took two minutes just to investigate the little treat. And although he didn't put it in his mouth himself, he was at least interested in it.

After a few minutes of playing with it, we put it in his mouth for him and he hated it! He had no idea what to do with it. In the past, anything hard that went into his mouth was either a toy, or not allowed. He just sat there with this awful look on his face and let it melt on his tongue.

We tried a few more and the same thing happened. He opens his mouth to take it, but hates it once its in there! He does like them, however, when they are just stuck to his pudgy cheeks!
After all those Puffs he took in, nothing could feel better then a nice sippy cup of cold water!

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