Last year around this time I was just finishing up my second trimester. Up until this point it had been a pretty good pregnancy! I went through a low key summer with very little morning sickness. Sure, I had some food aversions, lost most of my appetite and had a bit of queasiness, but it was much better then I had expected! I had had my first, second and third ultrasounds and found out I was having a boy!! It had been almost, might I say, easy? Of course, nothing in my life can ever go THAT easily! :)
At 22 weeks I was sent to see a specialist because they noticed some funneling, which is pretty much my body preparing for delivery. Hmmm...not a good idea. At this point in the game, a normal woman measures at about 4 to 5 cms and I was down to less then one. They decided to send me directly to the hospital to perform an emergency cerclage, or in other words, sew me up to keep the baby where he is supposed to be. Inside! It went well, but they didn't want anything else to happen with my little guy so to bed rest I went.
After one looong week of bed rest, my family was over and I started complaining of my leg hurting. My dad lifted my leg up and started to move it back and forth and specifically said, "you've got to keep moving to prevent blood clots". So what was causing this pain? Of course, a blood clot! My left leg turned purple and swelled up twice the size of my right. Lots of things can make someone high risk for blood clots. I had three of them: pregnancy, surgery and bed rest. Figures! I stayed in the hospital during treatment and had to give myself shots of blood thinner twice a day for the rest of my pregnancy.
After all of this, I was sent to a high risk doctor every 2 weeks to make sure things were good with the baby. They were almost certain I would have him very pre-term and kept saying things like "lets just get to 28 weeks". It was nerve wracking, but he did so well! I can't believe that we were very close to loosing him a year ago and now here he is!! Living life the way a 9 month old is supposed to be: happy, healthy and full of life!! I'm so proud he's mine and that I protected him and kept him safe and healthy for almost 10 months! All it took was a few stitches, some blood thinner and 4 months of bed rest. And I'd do it all over again. No questions asked. :)