Happy day to all of those who celebrate: the moms, moms-to-be, grandmothers, and god mothers all around us. But in addition, I believe any woman with the huge amount of motherly love and influence on a child should be celebrating today. Because its not only the mothers who birth these little bundles that raise them into the adults that they become. Aunts, sisters, cousins, teachers, friends; they can all have such an impact on a child's life that they need to be honored on Mothers Day, too! So, because of that, I'd like to make a little shout out of thanks to some special women who have had a huge influence of love on either my own, my husbands or my kids lives. Mimi, Googa, Grammy Matz, Grammy King, Joanie, Gramma Lightbody, Auntie Kathy, Auntie Dorrie, Tina, Michelle, and Steph. We love you more then you will ever know and will always thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Happy Mothers Day,
Stacey, Mark, Cam and Avery