Monday, May 30, 2011

Long weekend!!

Happy Memorial Day! We just looove long weekends in our house! Mark doesn't get them all off, but when he does it's like a vacation!! So this weekend we saw that the weather was supposed to be beautiful: hot and sunny, but a tad cooler on the coast. So to the Cape house we went. With the kids. For two nights!! When it was just Cameron we would go down almost every weekend in the summer with no problems. But we definitely weren't sure how it would be with both kids, one just 16 weeks, the other a spazy 2 year old. But you have to try it out!

When we got down on Saturday realized we had the whole upstairs, so that helped our anxiety of keeping family or guests awake all night if things didn't go well! But they did! They both slept perfectly, thank goodness! While we were hanging out at the house on Saturday Avery started doing the best belly laughs!! I just about died at how cute she looked and sounded! That kid can't get any more adorable!

Sunday, we had blueberry pancakes on the patio while we waited for the overcast weather to burn off. It never did! But our friends came down with their girls anyway! We were going to take a little bit of a ride to go to this kid friendly board walk a few towns over, but decided against it because the weather was a bit of a gamble. Wouldn't you know that the weather was perfect everywhere else on the Cape but where we were! Oh well, there was no rain and fairly warm so we still got the boat in the water and brought the kids down to the dock to take a try at fishing. HA! Lesson 1: two year olds don't fish. Lesson 2: never show the said two year olds a huge black crab with scary claws. Ever. There will be screaming.

They were screaming here, you just can't tell!

On Sunday, the weather started out the same, but was beautiful by noon. My sisters and there family's came over, along with one of my brothers. We had fun!! Everyone went out on the boat, except for me and Avery, and did a little fishing. Some how Cameron fell asleep 10 minutes into the ride and ending up sleeping in the cabin the whole time. After, he did a little toddler swimming, or accidentally falling in up to his neck while reaching for a rock to skip. Oh well, he loved it! And so did we! So we had a great weekend, overcast weather and all. I loved being away from the worries of the house and the dog. Didn't even touch my computer or cell phone the whole time. It was a family of four success!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Beach house is open!

Although the weather isn't at its prime for wearing shorts and splashing on the beach, that isn't going to hold us back from going to my parents beach house on Cape Cod. We looove spending time down there. So this weekend we went down (both days, but didn't stay over. Don't know how that happened!) to help my dad put up a new fence around the yard. Okay, so I did nothing to help except sit on the patio with the little girl and chit chat with the boys all day. Mark helped alot, even in the rain, but don't forget about Cam! He brought down all his tools, his tool belt and even his protective eye glasses and got to work! His battery operated drill and jog saw were a big help and getting that fence up. Other then putting up the fence, we didn't do much else while we were down there. We un-winterized the house and got some good seafood but that was about it. But now everything is ready! Let the warm weather and blue skies come in so we can go to the beach and bask in the sticky heat all summer long. Can't wait!

Look at the concentration!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Three Months Old!!

Totally cliche, but where has the time gone?? It flew buy at the blink of an eye and she was three months! But she totally seems like a newborn to me still! Seeing her everyday I feel like she hardly looks any bigger, although that's not true! She's about 10lbs now! What else? She's a smiling machine! When she's awake, she's happy and just looking for attention. She loves to be held and played with and will break down in silent laugh attacks when Cameron does silly things in front of her. (Hopefully those real giggles will be coming soon!) She coo's alot now, too. So much that Cameron has started calling her Coo-Coo lol! And she sounds like such a sweet little girl when she makes her sounds! She's sleeping awesome (knock on wood!) through the night. Usually she eats around 8 and goes straight to sleep after that. She gets topped off when I go to bed around 10:30 (usually doesn't even wake for this) and sleeps through until 6:30. During the day she sleeps a lot too! This morning after her 6:30 feeding, she went straight back to sleep and didn't wake until 11! She still seems pretty small to me (and strangers who make random comments about her!). She still in some newborn sized clothes and some 0-3, although most of these still hang on her. She's got a pretty strong neck and has started doing mini sit-ups when you lay her on her back. She just wants to be able to look around more I guess! Most of the time tummy time is a no go, but I think she's doing fine with out it. She really is just a sweat heart! I love having her and she's always just so content. It's fun to see Cameron playing with her too, although today he said "me get Sissy for you mommy" and tried to take her out of the swing. Should probably keep an eye on him a little more! :) He just loves his Sissy. Okay, enough typing! How about some pictures?

This pic looks out of focus here, but not on iphoto. hmmm